Friday, December 7, 2007

Two Whole Months!!

Its 2:30 in the morning on December 7th, so Mila is almost officially two months old!!
People always tell you that the time when they're a baby flies by. I always said "yeah" like I knew what I was talking about or even remotely understood. Now I get it. We just gave away a bag of gender neutral newborn clothes to a friend who just had a baby last week. Looking at them, at how tiny they are, was almost painful. I remember the days when Mila was swimming in those near preemie sizes. Now she is such a big girl she is busting out of her 0-3 month pajamas! I'm blaming a certain brand, but still. They were so loose when she was newborn. And we had to roll the sleeves up. Now the legs are too short to be comfortable and the sleeves look 3/4 length!! Its hilarious.

We saw her nurse on Monday for her 8 week check up. She is doing great, as usual. Helena, the nurse, remarked on how strong her neck was and we told her that she doesn't do tummy tie because she hates it. She seemed impressed. Then we told her Mila can roll over and has been able to since the 5th week. I think its amazing and I think Helena did too.

Anyways, she is now 12.1 pounds and two feet long! She has stayed exactly on her growth curve. Its amazing to me that babies can control their growth so well. Or maybe its just so well documented that they know exactly what to expect. Duh. But the weight thing. She is still having mostly formula, and I tasted it. Its delish. I would be eating tons of it if I were her. I guess she just knows her limit.

Lets see. Whats new with Mila?? Well, I find it pretty exciting that she is now showing great interest in things. I have been looking for toys for her, but I guess its still a little young. So I made a few improvisations and carry her around looking at the Xmas decorations and lights. She LOVES to look at the tree. I show her the ornaments and the special lights that have Santas on them. She gets so excited. Its wonderful. She has also been on sort of a routine lately. Unfortunately, said routine includes being up very late fussing. It also includes being totally attached to mommy. I don't mind, but at the same time I can just feel how bad it is for her. I guess none of the parenting books can really help with the emotional side for the parents either, because I think separation anxiety goes both ways!

I cant really think of anything else that's super new. Oh wait. She has discovered laughter. Only in the last two days or so she has been laughing and giggling at things. Its wonderful. Truly. She has also discovered the fun of chewing on her hands. She doesn't quite have the whole finger separating system down yet, so she just gnaws on her fist and arm. Its quite cute.
Ok, now that's all her new stuff. ; )

Each day, or second really, that I spend with her is amazing. I am so deeply happy with this tiny person that I cannot even begin to quantify it. It really has enriched me as a human, and as a woman. I feel so lucky.

I took some pictures of us with my webcam today because our batteries are dead and we cant find the pack of new ones. Ah the life of being a parent.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

7 Weeks and growing strong!!

Hey everyone. Sorry its been over two weeks since I updated. Ive been busy with my little weed. She has decided that night time is stay awake time, and that day time is cling to mommy time. She is not a fan of her Baby Björn carrier and REALLY not a fan of waking up alone, so I am basically glued to her all day and up with her all night. Hopefully thing will get more normal soon. If not, well, shes only going to be this way for a tiny fraction of her life, so its alright with me.

Lets see... we had her 6 week checkup last week. This time with the doctor. She is growing and gaining right on schedule. Well, her schedule. She is still far longer and a little heavier than most babies her age. But she has a tall mommy, so I guess its to be expected. She was just over 5 kilos, or 11.04 pounds, and 24 inches. We had been slightly concerned that she was projectile vomiting but the doctor said if it was something serious, she wouldn't be gaining weight like she should. The vomiting has almost stopped since. I think she may have actually been slightly sick since it lasted about 5 days and she was extra cranky in that time as well.
We are still trying to breastfeed but still having to give formula. I don't know why my body just refuses to make enough. Such a disappointment. I am, however, waiting shipment of a supplement that has a very good reputation of helping. I'm really hopeful!!

Mila has decided that sleeping is not to be done in a crib, and not in a swing either. Sleeping is to be done in the bed next to mommy. Or on the sofa on mommy's chest. Sometimes daddy will do, but it usually has to be me. So the whole moving her to the crib thing.... not happening yet. We did, however, hear of a few experts saying that its not natural for babies to sleep alone for the first few months. I'm not sure I agree with that, but it makes me feel less irresponsible about the whole thing. For those who don't have babies, when you do, you read all these books or articles and each one has a special way of making you feel guilty and inadequate. Its wonderful. In this case, it was a book about getting babies in a routine as early as you can and the author basically says that if you don't, you're irresponsible and your baby wont be happy. I agree that babies like routines, but its not always black and white. I have decided to not feel guilty anymore if Mila doesn't fit into a books ideal. She is who she is and we are doing the best we can. And most importantly, she will never feel unloved. Never.

I think that's about all I have to add this week. We see her nurse again on Monday, so I will have weight and health updates then.

Our friends Filip and Karin came for a visit last weekend from Gothenburg. It was alot of fun. Mila really liked them both and naturally they loved her, too. It had been a long wait for them to meet her.
These pictures are from me trying to get some pictures to put in Christmas cards. I got about 30 shots and have a few hilarious ones and alot of adorable ones. I added the special Keg Party shot from that series. Its great!

Monday, November 12, 2007

FIve Weeks..Hooray!!

Mila was 5 weeks yesterday. She is really growing like a weed!! We had her weekly appointment with the nurse and here are her new stats: 22.4 inches long- up nearly half an inch from last week, and 10lb 12 oz- up nearly half a pound from last week! She is in the 95% of height and I think 86% of weight. When she was born, she was in the 86% of both. Thats a little grower, huh! She is already needing to wear onesies and pants for 2-4 month olds because she is so long. Theyre loose around her, but things that fit snugly are waaaay too short.

This week has been great. Her colic symptoms are improving. We have been giving her the medicine I mentioned last week and since Friday have her on a formula made for babies with digestive problems. She still breatsfeeds sometimes, but its still getting nowhere. Its more for comfort I think. She does love the boob..hehe.
We decided it was too soon to move her to her crib. She is so small and really loves to be with us. And we love her to be with us to. I hate the idea of her waking up all alone in her room. So I guess we just arent ready yet. I think we will all know when its time. She still naps in there at times, but doesnt love it.

She has been getting more of a routine this past week, and I am finally able to keep a chart. I think its really helping things. And, she celebrated her 5 week birthday by sleeping 5 whole hours straight last night!! It was great!
I think that pretty much catches you up on Mila. Marcus and I are fine, as always.

Monday, November 5, 2007

my month old mila

Mila is 4 weeks now! Can you believe it?? It seems like she has been here forever, yet I can vaguely remember sleep and that is definitely from before the Mila-age.
We had her 4 week checkup today and she is now at her target weight and length on her chart. She is slightly longer than most girls, so she had a little weight to get her caught up. So today she weighed in at 10.25 pounds and is 56 centimeters long.

"So, whats new with Mila?" you ask.

Bad things first:
-About 12 days ago she started being really screamy, so we called the doctor and they recommended giving her colic medicine. Its really helping. Today was day 4 and she has only had one slight scream fit. Its a pain because you have to give her ten drops before each feeding and its kept cold. That pain, however, is worth it to stop HER pain!
-She is still sleeping in the bed with us, but I'm trying to transition her slowly to her crib in her room.
-I'm exhausted.
-I'm still not producing enough milk, so she is basically on formula and breastfeeds just because she likes it. I like to sing 'Dust in the Wind' while she
That's it with the bad.

Now the good:
-Mila has started to smile for real. Its wonderful. Rare, but wonderful.
-She can watch objects and follow them with her eyes. Nice to see her show interest in something other than a breast.
-She has started cooing and ahhing. Wonderful.
-She still likes to save all her poop up and go once a day, and its still for daddy! Yay for me.
-Today she had a 40 minute nap in her crib all alone and wasn't asleep when I put her in it! Progress!
-Mila has developed a love for "dancing" and I for making up really stupid songs about bitchin' Camero's and the like.
-My little one gets cuter pretty much by the minute.

Unfortunately this is the only non screamy picture I have gotten for her 4 week birthday. I guess the red eye says it all!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Three Weeks Already!!

Well, Mila had her 3 week check up this morning and is growing and doing just great!!

I havent been able to write much because she really keeps me busy!! Its been a little difficult at times, but I think things are getting on track now. Ill just share a few things about her first few weeks now.

-The first 10 days we had a hard time getting her to grow, actually. I am not making enough milk to feed her, so she was losing weight quickly. In the end we resorted to supplementing her with formula, which I never imagined I would need. Her pediatric nurse said it was definitely necessary and it has really helped. She lost about a pound quickly, but has now gained one and a half pounds back! She is getting herself on track.

-Her cord came off after only 5 days. And thank God because it really stunk! It wasnt infected, but you would have thought it was. I called it her stink stump and was glad to see it go!

-She loves to have baths, but we only do it 2 times a week. Not like shes getting dirty.

-She hardly ever cries, mostly when its time for her bottle because she gets frustrated.

-I have had a horrible cold, the kind where you completely lose your voice, and she got it but after only 48 hours she was fine again!

-She only poops once a day and it has to be daddy. she has never pooped for me... not that I mind.

-She has started to smile and giggle when its breast time in the morning. It is possibly the cutest thing on this Earth, and maybe other planets.

-She hates tummy time but has a really strong neck. Its a mystery to us.

-She loves to be held, thats already looking like a problem. More for me than her, because I LOVE to hold her!

-She is a TV addict. If its on and she knows it, she wants to be facing it and goes into almost a trance.

-She gets really excited when you kiss her open mouth. Mostly thats a daddy thing too. She puked in my mouth last time I tried.

-She frequently squeels and sounds like a horse. Then she will growl like a dragon. Its adorable.

Ok thats all I can think of now, but in a word, shes adorable!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The face and name of Mila

Ok this is a quickie, just to tell the story and show her off.
The name. Its been asked by many, and we have waited to tell the story of where her name came from. As most of you know I was very close to my paternal grandmother. Before she passed away, Marcus also became very close to her. Frankly, if you knew her, you were likely to adore her. Her name was Irma Lee Milam before she was married. She took the nickname Peggy when she was in highschool because she and several friends hated their names.

Well, we kind of hate them too. But we wanted to honor her still. So we decided early on that if we had a boy his name would be Milam. Long I as is pronounced in her maiden name. When we found out it was a girl we were in a bit of a pickle. After deliberating for a while we decided to cut the m on the end and shorten the I to call her Mila. And we loved it immediately!! I hope that my grandmother knows what an honor it was to have her in my life. And what an honor it is to name our daughter after her.

Now for some pictures!!!

You can see how puffy I still am... sigh

Monday, October 8, 2007

The Birth of Mila

Ok. I finally had my sweet little girl!! I was just feeling like it was hopeless Saturday, the 6th, when I decided to make myself forget by making tons of plans for Sunday.

Well, that seems to have been the trick for me. At about 3am my water broke. I called the delivery ward and they said to try to get some sleep since I wasnt having regular contractions and the water was clear. About 10 minutes later, I see some green in the water, call back, and they need me in to make sure baby is ok. Im still not thinking "its happenning".

As we get ready to go, I start having horrible menstrual type pains, but figure it cant be real contractions so dont get too hopped up. Over the next 20 minutes, driving to the hospital, these "not real" contractions become very painful and regular. Is this it??

It is it!!

We get to the hospital at about 4:15, get checked and am back down from a 4 to a 3. So disappointing. I try to walk through the pains but it is becoming very difficult. We finally get a room about 5:30. I am re-checked and am at a 5. We wait a while for the bath I requested and the midwife comes back and I realize a bath aint gonna happen!

At that time I am re-checked and am at a 7, but while being checked I have a contraction and go to an 8. This is about 7 am. I go to pee just in case, and while in there have pushing urges. Scary! I tell the midwife that I need to push and she says Im not ready. I tell her to please check me again. She does and I am SO ready. I cant control the pushing.

I start feeling wild. Picture the Exorcist. Levitations and heads spinning. I wanted an epidural but there was just no way. So I start the real pushing and after I think 6 contractions she has her head half out. I gotta tell you, ladies, this is the most horrendous thing you will ever feel! The midwife is holding me open so I can keep pushing. I finally get to the next contraction and push her all the way out. It was so hideously painful...

But oh my goodness. To look down and see my beautiful, well ok slimy, baby girl. Its the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Or felt. Or smelled, but thats another tale.

On October 7th at 8:01 am, I saw my baby girl for the first time. She is in perfect health. Weighed in at 8.5 lbs and is 20.5 inches long. She has wavy dark hair like her daddy. She has a beautiful scream, that we hear often as my milk isnt in yet, and loves to be snuggled super close.

The miracle that is Mila Belle Petersson has finally shown herself, and it is truly amazing!

So happy to no longer feel forever pregnant!!
Thanks for reading my super long birth story.