Lets see... we had her 6 week checkup last week. This time with the doctor. She is growing and gaining right on schedule. Well, her schedule. She is still far longer and a little heavier than most babies her age. But she has a tall mommy, so I guess its to be expected. She was just over 5 kilos, or 11.04 pounds, and 24 inches. We had been slightly concerned that she was projectile vomiting but the doctor said if it was something serious, she wouldn't be gaining weight like she should. The vomiting has almost stopped since. I think she may have actually been slightly sick since it lasted about 5 days and she was extra cranky in that time as well.
We are still trying to breastfeed but still having to give formula. I don't know why my body just refuses to make enough. Such a disappointment. I am, however, waiting shipment of a supplement that has a very good reputation of helping. I'm really hopeful!!
Mila has decided that sleeping is not to be done in a crib, and not in a swing either. Sleeping is to be done in the bed next to mommy. Or on the sofa on mommy's chest. Sometimes daddy will do, but it usually has to be me. So the whole moving her to the crib thing.... not happening yet. We did, however, hear of a few experts saying that its not natural for babies to sleep alone for the first few months. I'm not sure I agree with that, but it makes me feel less irresponsible about the whole thing. For those who don't have babies, when you do, you read all these books or articles and each one has a special way of making you feel guilty and inadequate. Its wonderful. In this case, it was a book about getting babies in a routine as early as you can and the author basically says that if you don't, you're irresponsible and your baby wont be happy. I agree that babies like routines, but its not always black and white. I have decided to not feel guilty anymore if Mila doesn't fit into a books ideal. She is who she is and we are doing the best we can. And most importantly, she will never feel unloved. Never.
I think that's about all I have to add this week. We see her nurse again on Monday, so I will have weight and health updates then.
Our friends Filip and Karin came for a visit last weekend from Gothenburg. It was alot of fun. Mila really liked them both and naturally they loved her, too. It had been a long wait for them to meet her.
These pictures are from me trying to get some pictures to put in Christmas cards. I got about 30 shots and have a few hilarious ones and alot of adorable ones. I added the special Keg Party shot from that series. Its great!