Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Week 14 and counting!!

Ok, so I am now in week 14 of my pregnancy. The week I thought I would feel safe at. Also the week I thought I would feel better at. Wrong on both. I thought I would be clever and skip my morning sickness medicine Sunday to see how much better I was. Well, I realized that backfired as I was puking the night away. So I'm still sick with morning sickness. And very bad morning sickness. Its lovely. Also, I have been put on basically bed rest.

I was at the emergency OB last night after having the usual issues and was told that everything is far lower than normal. I'm thinking "is my baby gonna fall out of me?" LOL. But this can cause trouble, so I have to be very selective in what activities i do and basically just rest. As if I haven't done enough of that for two freaking months. I go back in 2 weeks. I should be resembling a bowl of jell-o by then.

And for better news. I am still planning on going to Florida if everything is OK. My mom is giving me a baby shower and I cant wait! I have been registering for stuff online and its so much fun. Even if you never get anything from the list, its neat to imagine your little one and the cute stuff available for it. I chose Target because its easy and has nice stuff. Mainly I was a slight Target addict before moving to Sweden. That may have something to do with it.

And even better news: When I was at the doc last night he did an ultrasound and that little thing is so cute!! You can see the whole skeleton now. All the ribs and the spine. Its amazing. Everything measured perfect, it was moving alot. Great heartbeat. I think its gonna live, I just have to be careful. I cant wait until I can just have fun with my pregnancy. I did buy my first maternity pants this weekend. I don't know how I can ever go back to normal pants. They're so comfy. And cute. I feel really lucky to be pregnant now when the options are so vast. Imagine what our poor moms went through. I just don't see myself as a tent wearing kind of gal.

OK, I guess that wraps up my 14 week update. I will try to update sooner with the next one!