Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Home Stretch...Mark.

Well, we finally made it to week 40!! Its so hard to believe that I am due in a few short days, and STILL pregnant. I have to say that we were not expecting this at all. All of our doctors and midwives have been concerned that I would actually give birth before it was safe, even. Well, look at me now! Mila is fully formed and ready to join the outside world, and I'm the size of a baby whale.
This past week has been hard, but not nearly as hard as the rest of the pregnancy. I actually think its been the easiest part aside from the first 5 weeks. The weeks your body hasn't had time to acknowledge the shock its going to go into. I have been sleeping on average of 3 hours per day, and my pelvic bones feel like someone has gnawed them in half. My back aches a little when I move. Oh, and the peeing. Every ten minutes. Its fun!
It doesn't sound as if I should feel as good as I do, but really I would take these little pains any day over the hyperemesis and horrendous contractions my body had no business having. I look at the sleeping issue as the worst of the bunch and I actually think it will help me when Mila gets here. I'm already getting used to very little sleep, so it wont be so bad when she has me on an every 4 hours schedule. I may actually get MORE sleep when she comes. Imagine that!! All the other stuff I know will go away within weeks of delivery, so I'm not worried at all.
Its amazing how your body naturally gets prepared for the huge life change you are about to undergo. Its also amazing that a baby can live upside down suspended in water for months on end. Maybe she is a bat.

No pictures this week. After hearing how freakishly gigantic I look, I don't think I can handle it. And I haven't really changed any from last week, so you get the idea.

Monday is my due date. Lets hope I have something to tell by then!!