Monday, November 5, 2007

my month old mila

Mila is 4 weeks now! Can you believe it?? It seems like she has been here forever, yet I can vaguely remember sleep and that is definitely from before the Mila-age.
We had her 4 week checkup today and she is now at her target weight and length on her chart. She is slightly longer than most girls, so she had a little weight to get her caught up. So today she weighed in at 10.25 pounds and is 56 centimeters long.

"So, whats new with Mila?" you ask.

Bad things first:
-About 12 days ago she started being really screamy, so we called the doctor and they recommended giving her colic medicine. Its really helping. Today was day 4 and she has only had one slight scream fit. Its a pain because you have to give her ten drops before each feeding and its kept cold. That pain, however, is worth it to stop HER pain!
-She is still sleeping in the bed with us, but I'm trying to transition her slowly to her crib in her room.
-I'm exhausted.
-I'm still not producing enough milk, so she is basically on formula and breastfeeds just because she likes it. I like to sing 'Dust in the Wind' while she
That's it with the bad.

Now the good:
-Mila has started to smile for real. Its wonderful. Rare, but wonderful.
-She can watch objects and follow them with her eyes. Nice to see her show interest in something other than a breast.
-She has started cooing and ahhing. Wonderful.
-She still likes to save all her poop up and go once a day, and its still for daddy! Yay for me.
-Today she had a 40 minute nap in her crib all alone and wasn't asleep when I put her in it! Progress!
-Mila has developed a love for "dancing" and I for making up really stupid songs about bitchin' Camero's and the like.
-My little one gets cuter pretty much by the minute.

Unfortunately this is the only non screamy picture I have gotten for her 4 week birthday. I guess the red eye says it all!