Monday, June 4, 2007

Pregnancy info:23 Weeks

Here is some info I got from about week 23 of pregnancy.
Your Baby:

The body of your baby is getting plumper but his skin is still fairly wrinkled due to the lack of subcutaneous fat. He’s starting to drink the amniotic fluid he’s floating in, and his digestive system is mature enough to absorb nutrients. And not only is your baby starting to drink and taste, but all of his sensory systems are maturing as well. Your baby’s face and body is looking more and more like those of an infant, the bones of his inner ear are beginning to harden and his pancreas is developing (the pancreas is very important in the production of insulin). Your baby’s fingernails are almost fully formed and the lanugo (fine hair) that covers his body is getting darker. Your baby continues to grow in preparation for the journey of birth. You baby is now more than 11 inches long and weighs over a pound.

Your Body:

Your baby still has lots of room to move around, so the kicks, punches and movements you had felt before will continue. In fact, there will be times when you will be able to see your baby moving from the outside! This is a good time to get Dad to feel the baby moving, too.

You may find yourself having (or starting) mood swings. Don’t worry; these are normal and will subside either late in your third trimester or shortly after the birth of your baby. These mood swings are from the rising hormone levels as your body readies itself for delivery. -- havent had many of these, but sometimes I do cry at the silliest things!

Your regular doctor appointments will continue and he/she may palpate your abdomen. This palpation is the doctor’s way of feeling the position of the baby. Your doctor will also continue the use of a tape measure to measure your fundal height (cm measured from the top of the pubic bone to the top of the uterus). Your fundus (top of your uterus) will be approximately one to one-and-a-half inches above your navel at this point. You may worry if you are a bit bigger or smaller than the average, but it is normal for you to be individual in your measurements as every mother is different. However, if you continue to worry, be sure to ask your doctor about your concerns.-- havent seen a doctor in a while here, but I see one Friday for my hips and see my midwife June 18th!

Pregnancy Symptoms You May Experience

Breast Changes, tenderness, fullness, darkening of the areola
Frequent Urination -- quite obnoxious, I must say!
Constipation --knock on wood, not happening yet
Indigestion or heartburn -- already had that when I wasnt pg
Occasional headaches
Stretch Marks (cocoa butter can help with these)-- another knock on that wood.
Itching -- doesnt everyone itch?
Round ligament pains --not as bad as they sound
Hemorrhoids -- no and I REALLY hope they dont start showing up!

So this is what pregnancy is supposed to be like at this point. I am having some pretty bad back/hip pain, but otherwise everything is great! Marcus can feel baby kicking at times, and I can feel her kicking pretty much all the time. If she is being too still, she really responds to the cold water trick!

I will try to get some pics and post them soon. Its been difficult lately, but hopefully after Friday I will have a way to get some relief!