Monday, November 12, 2007

FIve Weeks..Hooray!!

Mila was 5 weeks yesterday. She is really growing like a weed!! We had her weekly appointment with the nurse and here are her new stats: 22.4 inches long- up nearly half an inch from last week, and 10lb 12 oz- up nearly half a pound from last week! She is in the 95% of height and I think 86% of weight. When she was born, she was in the 86% of both. Thats a little grower, huh! She is already needing to wear onesies and pants for 2-4 month olds because she is so long. Theyre loose around her, but things that fit snugly are waaaay too short.

This week has been great. Her colic symptoms are improving. We have been giving her the medicine I mentioned last week and since Friday have her on a formula made for babies with digestive problems. She still breatsfeeds sometimes, but its still getting nowhere. Its more for comfort I think. She does love the boob..hehe.
We decided it was too soon to move her to her crib. She is so small and really loves to be with us. And we love her to be with us to. I hate the idea of her waking up all alone in her room. So I guess we just arent ready yet. I think we will all know when its time. She still naps in there at times, but doesnt love it.

She has been getting more of a routine this past week, and I am finally able to keep a chart. I think its really helping things. And, she celebrated her 5 week birthday by sleeping 5 whole hours straight last night!! It was great!
I think that pretty much catches you up on Mila. Marcus and I are fine, as always.