Thursday, May 31, 2007

Week 23... YAY!

Well, I still cant believe I am lucky enough to have made it this far. It seems like I wake up each day and I am bigger. For the first time in my life, its a big I dont mind! I have a few pictures from last week, but Im still too shy to post actual belly pics. The top one is to show the expansion of my face alone... you can imagine my ass!!! Hehe.
Ok so now you see the belly sort of. Maybe Ill get brave enough to bare it for some pics this weekend.
Ok, so whats happened this week? Well Marcus got to feel a kick for the first time. I realized two days ago that when I rested my hands on my belly, I could feel little movements, and last night forced him to sit still long enough to feel it too! This is no small feat, which you know if you know Marcus.
I also realized that I can no longer see much more than my toes when I look down. Its so strange. I knew it would happen, I just thought it would be later.
I have learned that I have a watch dog cat. Yesterday I was out walking Neko, yes he walks on a leash, and he was so good. He was doing his usual stopping every few yards to enjoy the grass, but then the weirdest thing happened. A stray came up wanting some attention. This has never been a problem, but when I reached out my arm, Neko lunged at him. It was so odd! I read some on the internet and it seems his behavior is protective of me. In other examples they gave, he fits right in. Guarding doorways to rooms Im in. Clinging to me if anyone comes over. Its so silly to me!! Also flattering. I've had him almost ten years and its good to know I'm not the only over-protective on in our relationship.
In other Neko news, he was caught sleeping in baby's crib, more than once! Marcus removed him and scolded him every time he did it, until Neko figured out to do it when Marcus wasn't home. Im not technically allowed to be lifting things over 5 lbs, so Neko at 13 is definitely out! And he knows this. Well, I caught him in the bed and no amount of poking was moving him! As soon as Marcus came home, we moved it so he cant get in it anymore. But I thought I would share the funny pic of him lounging in the crib.

Ok, in other news not involving the cat, we are looking at 3 houses tonight and are really excited about them all. I just cant wait to pay rent to myself and have a room to make all pretty!! Keep your fingers crossed for us. Its a VERY competitive market here. We have already lost one house we loved. Hopefully our time is coming!

Everyone wants to know the name. Well, I do too!! I have a list. But I cant narrow it down to less than 8. Here they are, in alphabetical order of course:
Alana, Audrey, Ella, Juliana, Mila, Natalie, Nora, Sofie. In case we have a boy we know the name will definitely be Milam Oliver.
Any input or new ideas would be awesome!!

I really hope to write more this weekend. I have to start blogging more. I just get so exhausted by the little things. Not to mention my arthritis really doesn't enjoy my typing!


McKdavis said...

That Neko! He is about as big as a big baby so you can get an idea how much room the baby will take. The bed looks very cute!!!

McKdavis said...

I love Ella and also Lauren, Mila, and Nora-not in that order but my favorite is Ella-Im sure that helps you...right?

Noelle said...

Thanks. Lauren is now OUT of the running. It was like a 5 minute phase I was going through. Mila is in top position for now.. I guess we will see.

Anonymous said...

Jennavieve!!! I'm telling it's very elagent. But that's just my opinion
