I started the week out with a slight cold, but that was nothing and it went away pretty quickly. I am starting to believe in cursing yourself, though. Monday I was a little nauseous, which brought to mind how I had been morning sickness free for almost 3 weeks. And I was so happy for that. This was about midnight. I fell asleep and woke up about 2am from something, either a kick or Neko whining or my hips. I lose track. I couldn't get back to sleep, which is becoming the standard, so I was playing on the internet. About 5am my stomach starts to really hurt. I know I am alot hungrier than usual lately so I ate a little fruit and had a small glass of milk. I then attempted to go back to bed. Well, about 8 I woke up throwing up. Just like before. But I didnt think it was morning sickness, maybe just a weird stomach. It has continued since and I am back on my medicine. Poooooooo!
So, I have come to terms with my morning sickness coming back, and I am really trying to take care of myself better. I have started using my exercise stuff again and feeling really good about it. I have learned to go to the bathroom before, or I will have to stop to pee and never go back. SO thats what I did on Wednesday. Thats when I saw I was bleeding. This is absolutely NOT what you want to see when youre pregnant, not to mention this late in the game. (not late enough, but late) SO I tried to call the hospital and Marcus at work, but apparently in Sweden there is some stupid magical combination of dialing you have to know or it wont go through. And when it finally did, I get a busy signal. SO I throw on some clothes and rush to Marcus' job so he can call. They want me to take an ambulance, but that seems like overkill, so we drive. I am crying and shaking and very close to vomiting at this point.
We get to the hospital and they have a bed waiting to roll me into a delivery room just in case. Oh my god I was scared! They start to do an examination with the ultrasound. Baby is fine. Moving, above the median size by 11%, and heartbeat is perfect. Thank goodness. But they still dont know WHY I am bleeding. SO they want to do an internal examination. I have to pee first, and give them a sample while Im at it. They find blood in it, but it turns out to be just from me bleeding. Whew!
Doctor gets to the internal exam and sees the blood, but finds no reason. Still, they decide its best to keep me overnight in case things get worse and I need emergency surgery. NOT what I wanted to hear. Its so difficult for me not to know why something is happening. Its just not my nature to accept these things and walk on. Its also difficult enough to sleep at home on my special mattress, but the hospital beds are like rocks. So it was a sleepless night for me. I wasnt worried, just incredibly uncomfortable. And my neighbor was snoring soooo loudly all night. I cant believe that she just had a baby and it slept through that. Maybe it got used to it inutero.
Marcus is turning 30 on Monday, so I have a big party to finish prepping for. I wont be doing as much as I had planned, though. Im not risking anything!! The doctor didnt technically put me on bed rest, but I kind of am. Since I bleed when I move alot, and I have been reading stories online about women who had unexplained bleeding and were allowed to exercise, did, and lost their babies even past 26 weeks. I just cant take the chance. Anyways, hopefully we will get some good pics from the party and I can share them next time.
SO that has been my very eventful week. Probably boring to read, but I had to share. Its almost becoming funny how horrible my pregnancy has been. And in a way, I guess I do have a TV pregnancy. Can we say soap opera?? Geez!!
And PS, for those pics of Marcus Vila wanted, here is one from two weeks ago.
Have tried and tried to call-damn phones. Honestly, this is the most nerve wracking pregnancy-I just hope the next three months are uneventful. Ill put it out to the Universe for you everyday, kay sweetie? I love you, Mom
Okay! Now Knock it off. That will be just enough of this nonsense. STAY in bed and if you have to have Marcus go and buy you a bubble. That's it I figured it out! Seriously. Don't be doing anything only breathe if you have too.
Josh, Dixie, and Chidlets
Honestly, I am with your mama on this one. We are holding our breath over here in Big Sky country. When we put Liam and Catherine to bed this evening, we'll be sure to pray for you and baby. There's nothing sweeter than to hear your children talk to the Lord. Nothing! I think He delights in hearing the little one's the most, too! Well, Catherine isin't vocally praying yet, but she does hold her hands together, or join hands with us. It's too sweet. And Liam says stuff like, " Jesus, help our blessings to be thankful" and " be with all the children of the world". Good stuff! I know how scared and frustrated both you and Marcus must feel right now (and BTW thank you for posting that pic! You did so good!) Just remember to vent vertically. He's carried you and baby along this far, right? You's are in our daily prayers. We love you!
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