Saturday, June 9, 2007

I think its one of those duplexes on the beach....

Ok, so I am nearing the end of week 24! Yay. ALot of changes happened literally overnight. Today i woke up huger than ever, and with part of my belly button finally starting to almost come to the surface. Marcus and I were just talking about how odd it was that my belly button hadnt changed at all in the pregnancy. Especially compared with other member of the iVillage pregnancy club I like to look at and obsess over (lol). Then this morning I had a very weird feeling in my belly button, like baby was pushing it out from the inside... and she was! I put my finger in it and part of it pops in and out now. Its really funny.

Another interesting change is how active she has been this morning. Im pretty sure she knows we are having a hard time finding a house to buy, so she is building us one in there. I think its one of those duplexes on the beach I love so much. LOL. Its so funny...she woke me up at about 7 after keeping me up until about 2, with her big movements, and then I guess she wore herself out and fell asleep. She then woke me back up a few times before I finally got up. Obviously I have a little anxiety about why she has been SO active, hoping she isnt suffocating or anything... but Im thinking its just the duplex building.

I went to the doctor yesterday for my hip and back pain. Quite humiliating, I must say. She made me take off my skirt and walk for her. I felt compelled to tell her that as an American, I was very uncomfortable with this. She didnt really care. She needed to see it anyways. I felt sort of like I imagine those girl who get tricked by "photographers" do when they realize it isnt just an innocent picture of a natural woman... Anywho. I have a slight case of SPD, but more worrying is that my hip muscles or joints or something are inflamed and usually need steroids, which I refused, and my old back injury seems to be back. I will be starting physical therapy soon. She also got me very excited about a warm pool they had at the hospital. I was to start asap. Apparently she was not informed that that no longer exists. POO. I want to join the swimming facility here in Kalmar so I can work out my back but its like 70 bucks for ten visits and I cant afford it. I suppose fixing our car was a necessity... but I wanna go swim...double poo! LOL.

In related news, I am now taking ideas for ways to make money from home. Any tips or thoughts would be awesome!!

Oh yeah, PLEASE email me if you try to leave a comment and this silly thing wont take it. I have reset the settings like 6 times now and fear I have to actually write an email asking why no one can leave comments. If it continues I will, though. Dont think I wont. Oh I will. (totally cracking myself up at this point)

I will post some pics maybe tomorrow. We are off to enjoy the beautiful day that Sweden has finally agreed to lend us... ah sunshine.


Anonymous said...

Dang nab it I wrote a big ol comment and it messed me up and I'm not retyping it right now. Sorry. To make a long comment short. PLEASE but a belly shot on. It only takes a sec. if you have to just close your eyes and you'll never even know that it happened.

Josh, Dixie, and Tribe

Seth and Vila said...

Noelle, you sound like yur having way too much fun with this whole preggo thang!! JK! Love hearing the humor coming through the lines! Money at home, huh? I'll think about that one... wait! I've got it . Did you ever see that movie, Girl 6? LOL! If you haven't, let me know and I'll let you in on the joke. So have you been kindly woke up in the middle of the night yet with a charlie horse yet? YUCK! BTW... belly pic?? Tick tock tick tock. Sending Montana love!!

Noelle said...

Yeah, good idea! Hahaha. I can just see me doing that.

Ugh belly pictures. Im so not a belly picture person... We'll see. I did grow about a foot in two days, so I may have to document that. hehe

Naomi said...

You are too cute. I understand not wanting to do belly photos. I wouldn't be very interested or excited to display my belly on the internet for the universe, including less than forgiving aliens, to see and scrutinize. Heh!

Noelle said...

Its the aliens Im most worried about. They can be SO harsh!

Seth and Vila said...

I promise not to scrutinize!! I think pregnant bellies of every shape and size are the most sexy bellies to bare! Can I get a "here, here?" However, if you decide not to bare your belly I will completely understand. I'll just have to rely on my imagination! How 'bout some pics of the mommy and daddy to be.. I forget what Marcus looks like. I've only seen a few wedding photos anyway. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I hope that duplex doesn't get too big cause you'd get a few looks if you had one of those hanging out of there. I know that's bad. The only aliens are your sister in laws and dang it we don't get to see you so we want pictures. Don't listen to those bad influences. Belly pictures are great. Preggo belly's are beautiful. And take it from me I didn't take any and I wish I did. It makes me sad to think that I didn't : ( Dixie