Friday, June 15, 2007

where did that sun go??

Well, I'm now in the middle of week 25 and things are going well. I have been able to go off my morning sickness medicine for the past 5 days, and I am very happy about that!! I also haven't been getting headaches as much. Hopefully Lil brain is nearly healed, or even fully.
We did have a little scare yesterday. Obviously its my first baby, so I don't know what to expect, but I have grown comfortable and happy with baby's movement patterns. Other than the party she threw last Saturday, she has been VERY regular. Until Wednesday. I hardly felt any movement at all. I chalked it up to me having a slight cold and maybe she was resting. I did try all the tricks to get her moving, and got zero response. I think I had like 4 glasses of ice water in a span of two hours..LOL. So I went to bed hoping to be woken up by her little kicks at 7 as usual Thursday. This didn't happen. I tried the tricks again and got nothing. In that 36 or so hours, I think I felt her 3 times. So Marcus called the OB and they told him to bring me in. He took the day off and we went to labor and delivery to check things out. They put the heart monitor on and the first nurse couldn't find the heartbeat. I could see a slight panic in her face, and definitely felt myself panicking. And she said to NOT freak us out she was getting the midwife, who usually finds things quicker. After she found the heartbeat we waited. After about 6 minutes I felt a movement. Then things got very funny and relieving. She started moving ALOT. And it seems she hated the monitor because you could hear her kick at it! It sounded like someone blowing into a microphone. She got very agitated..and even kicked/moved 7 times in one minute! I cannot describe how happy I was to feel that! And she has moved back on her regular schedule since. Whew!

It seems the sun has decided to disappear on us this week. But that's OK since it was WAY too hot last weekend. Monday was the last warm day and the thermometer we have read 100F in the sun!! That NEVER happens here in Sweden. And since home a/c is nearly non existent, it was rather smarmy in here. Having a summer cold and being so hot you feel yourself melting is not a good combo, so the cooler weather is OK for now. I just hope the sun comes back soon...

As for our house hunt, its going. down the tubes that is. Every house we look at has some problem that we don't want to pay to fix, or the price gets WAY too high for us. We looked at an apartment to buy yesterday and it was already far out of our budget by the end of today. I'm getting really frustrated and depressed. I would imagine this happens in LA or NYC but not here. Its just sad. Too sad to talk about. But I thought I would update since everyone keeps asking.

Hopefully something of consequence will happen this weekend and I will post again with better news!


Anonymous said...

FEEEWWWWW! Glad to hear that everything turned out Ok. That happens though. And it's okay to go have it checked out. It's better to be safe then sorry! Too bad you guys can't find a place. I'm sure you'll find something soon. Keep your head up!

Josh, Dixie, and Tribe

Noelle said...

Thanks! Me too. It was so scary. I usually feel weird about calling doctors, but not anymore. This is my baby! If somethings wrong, I need to find out and help her.
We actually found a place. I guess it takes giving up to find the right one. Hehe.

Seth and Vila said...

Scary stuff huh? The same thing happened to me with Liam and the little stinker started movin' like crazy once we found his heartbeat! Yeah, this is the good stuff! They certainly keep us on our tippie toesies, ay! Your're already such a good mumzie... Take care.