Monday, October 1, 2007

What to do on a due date?

Well, its October first and this is my due date. The due date I said was wrong. It was off by one week exactly according to all of my calculations, and all calculations prior to the 18 week ultrasound. But its still my due date. And nothing has happened so far. Its 7 am. I made myself very busy yesterday to try to get things moving.

After sleeping alot on Saturday, and getting up at 3:30am, I decided I was getting myself to go into labor if it killed me. I went for a long, fast paced walk with Marcus at about 7 yesterday, and during it I had the first "big feeling" contractions I have had in WEEKS! I was so excited. After that we had breakfast and I decided to keep myself up and active I would go to work with Marcus, it was mostly because it was a yucky job and I didn't want him to be bored and lonely. Its kind of funny. On the island they were having this pumpkin festival (indoors!!) and the owner of the car place decided it would be a great opportunity to set up a small lot in the mall parking lot. Thursday to Sunday there were ZERO sales. It rained every day. It was cold every day. And no one who is out looking for pumpkins in a mall is really out looking for nice cars. So, they had a little mobile home thing (with no bathroom) and we just sat around in that for 3 hours... laughing at what a stupid idea the whole thing was anyway! I did get out and walk a bit and try to keep active. (One would think I ran a marathon from how achy I feel now!)

After that we went to see his grandparents in Kalmar because we had an hour to kill before going to our for reals destination. We went to a magic show!! It was so fun! OK, not really. It was fun for about ten minutes. Then I started having shooting pains and thought it could be early labor and we got out of there at intermission. I was having several contractions, but they weren't super painful, so I guess they were braxton-hicks, but still. It gave us hope. We stopped at the grocery store on our way out of Kalmar and I was so close to just going to the hospital to see what they though. Good thing I didn't. Baby is still securely in there.

We came home and I was so tired I could hardly move. Plus all the activity of the day made me feel like an achy 90 year old! Add the cold I have to that and you get one not happy gigantic woman! So at about 8:30 I went to bed. I had a hard time falling asleep because of the contractions.. yay! Not yay. They're almost gone now. But at least I did get some sleep and I have some hope that maybe early labor is starting.

Its weird to think that one year ago today Marcus and I flew into Copenhagen and made our way back to Kalmar to start our lives here. We were really hoping that she would come today, just because of the significance of the date. We have done so much in one year, having our baby in that same timeline would have been awesome. I guess the day isn't over yet, so we will see.

Well, that's all I really have for now. Nothing too interesting. Mostly a statement that baby is not here yet and she doesn't seem to be too unhappy about it. And let me just add, because I feel I must, that I never ever imagined I would get this far. I'm excited she made it full term but GEEEEZ, cant we not overdo it for once? Overdue it, I mean.


Naomi said...

Your due date being a week off, a week early or a week late? I'm guessing early just so she won't already be a week late. I'm sure you would be going way more crazy right now!!

Noelle said...

Oh, I should have been clearer.. my earlier due date was Sep 25th!! So a week late! Poo.

Anonymous said...

Time to tune in Tokyo! One last shot ya never know you may get an answer this time! Especially after all the activity.


Seth and Vila said...

Don't feel so bad! My neices mom went 2 weeks overdue, dialted to 4!! It won't be long now...guaranteed! My due date with Liam was Oct. 1st and low and behold he came! I was induced for high blood pressure though. My sis in law and brother are in Michigan trying to have their baby as I write. They started induction 48 hours ago and as of 8 a.m. she is at a 1 and 75% effaced.sp? Crazy, but the medical team wants things to go very slowly and smoothly so that the babies heart rate stays within a normal rate. So you just keep on keepin' on and Lil' Miss Vila, oops! I mean Mila will be making her grand debut before you know it!!

Lots of love! Vila

Anonymous said...

Okay it's now the 3rd. I said to cross your legs, but my goodness...let go she wants out!
